Beverly Galloway

Jan 26, 20211 min

New Year, New You

The first month of 2021 has nearly slipped past almost like a blur. This year instead of New Year's Resolutions, let's mas New You Resolutions. To begin we have to look in the mirror and actually see who we really are before we decide we want to be something else.

If we decide we want change, we must make a plan, a back-up plan and a back-up plan for the back-up plan. For example, I wanted to do the 21 day fast of fruits and vegetables. However, after 6 days the plan changed after I ate something different. I then went to a 3 day fast. After that, I started a daily fast from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. Finally, for the last four days of this month, I am going back to the fruits and vegetables fast. Pray for me to complete it!
